Friday, July 11, 2008

PS3 Firmware MD5 Checksum

It been a while since my ps3's firmware got itself an update. Can't help it really, especially with the recent v2.40 firmware problem I won't risk another chance of bricking mine (although it was reported only very "little" individuals were affected). Sony quickly pulled v2.40 down and promised to address the problem asap, and boy it was fast! Those affected are probably still busy with sony service center - and yet v2.41 has been released and they can't use it!

Meanwhile (yeah...) I decided on doing the leap of faith and updated to v2.41 firmware. To make it short, besides the wait everything else went smoothly.

Since mine is a playstation asia, specifically singapore, I downloaded the firmware from here
using the 'Update using a PC' method.

Once downloaded, I verified the download's md5 checksum hash. You can find the md5 checksum hash from the firmware's download link, for your convenience the bolded characters such as below

If you have no idea what a md5 checksum hash is and how to do it, you'll need to download the proper tools. There are many alternatives but I'll recommend digestIT 2004 since it is easy to install, integrates itself with windows explorer, and is very easy to use - and that is the point. Once installed find the freshly downloaded firmware (PS3UPDAT.PUP), right-click on it, choose digestIT 2004 and then choose Verify MD5 Hash. You'll be prompted for the md5 hash, just key it in like below

If the checksum fails, the firmware is corrupted and has to be redownloaded. Otherwise it is a verified copy, and is safe for use to update the ps3. Put it in a thumbdrive inside PS3\UPDATE folder (you might want to do the checksum again in case your thumbdrive has 'bad sectors') , plug it to the ps3, and finally 'Update via Storage Media'.

Now be grateful you paid your electricity bill, if they decide to cut you off power during this time, your ps3 is toast!

1 comment:

meson said...

I've also added a few comments on md5 checksum and crc for Ubuntu and Linux users at my blog if in case anybody cared.


Mark Dennis (meson)